View/Customize/Download Participant Information

Modified on 18 February


How to Navigate the Participant Report

RunSignUp provides race directors, and those with race director permissions, with the ability to view, search, customize, edit, save and download the participant report. You can learn more about participant reports in this "how to" section.

Participant Reports

RunSignUp gives races the ability to view, search, and export all of their participant’s registration information right in their RunSignUp Dashboard. This feature can be found by going to Participants > View Participants.

Note: By default this report does not show all information for your Race. See the section on Customize View to learn how to change the current Report that you have to include other columns, or see the section on Download As CSV to learn how you can download all of your participant data to your device.


At the very top of the View Participants report you will find the Search/Change Event button. This opens up a multitude of options to filter and display all of your participant information from all years of your Race.

By default the Search/Change Event function is limited to the most used functions. These are explained below. If you are looking for more options on ways to search through and filter your participant data, please see the section on Search All Fields. 

Note: When using any of these Search/Filter features you will need to use the Update Report button to see the changes you have reflected in your Report.

Search Common Fields

This tab menu provides you with common fields for you to update your report. For additional fields, see the "Search All Fields" tab menu.

  1. Event
    1. The Event dropdown allows you to filter your Report to a specific Event. You will notice that you need to be specific as to what year you are referring to, so be careful selecting the Event that is in the year you are looking for. You can use the “--- All XX/XX/XXXX Events ---” to filter a report to show information for all Events that occurred in that year.
  2. Name/Email/Bib Number
    1. The Name/Email/Bib fields let you enter in any text to filter your report to only those records that match what you have entered in the search field. Be aware that by default “Exact Match” is enabled for both the First Name and Last Name fields. You can un-check this if you do not want an exact match search or want to broaden your search results to include close matches.
  3. Order
    1. By default your Report is ordered by Registration Date. You can change this by selecting one of the other options from this dropdown.
      1. Registration Date
      2. First Name, Last Name
      3. Last Name, First Name
      4. Bib Number

Search All Fields

If the common fields do not give you the search/filter type that you are looking for you can use the Search All Fields option to open up additional options to you.

You can search and filter on any any of the fields available to you here. Be sure to use the Update Report button when finished to apply your search terms and filters to your report.

  1. Gender/Country/State/Date of Birth

    1. By default your Participant Report will only show “Active” registrants - meaning any registrations that have been cleared, refunded, transferred, deferred, or deleted will not show in this report. If you need to search through any registrants in any of these other states use this feature to change what types of registrations are shown.
  2. Registered Since/Until

    1. These dropdowns allow you to filter your data by Gender/Country/State or Date of Birth. Please note that these are an exact match filter.
  3. Registration Status

    1. By default your Participant Report will only show “Active” registrants - meaning any registrations that have been cleared, refunded, transferred, deferred, or deleted will not show in this report. If you need to search through any registrants in any of these other states use this feature to change what types of registrations are shown.
      1. These status’ can be updated by you as the Race Director as explained in How to Manage Participants or by the participants themselves if you have enabled the Participant Management option for this feature found in Participants > Participant Management.
  4. Cleared

    1. Cleared registrations are any registrations that were submitted, but were cancelled within the 15 minutes allowed by RunSignUp to clear their registration. 
  5. Refunded

    1. Registrations that were refunded are not deleted, but put into a Refunded state so that you can reference them later.
  6. Deleted

    1. Deleted participants are those that you have removed from the Race without issuing a refund.
  7. Transferred (to another Event)

    1. When a registration is moved from one Event to another (5k to the 10k for instance) their original registration is put into a Transferred state and a new registration is created for them in the new Event. 
      1. Note: Be aware that the new registration will show $0.00 in the “Amount Paid” column, unless you have charged the participant to transfer their registration. This is because this registration was not paid for again by the participant. You will notice that the original transaction that is in the Transferred state will still have the original Amount Paid. This is required so that your past financial and payment reports do not change if you transfer past entries.
  8. Deferred

    1. Registrations that have been deferred to another year are not automatically put into the next year’s Events, as it is not possible to have Events for the next year open for registration while prior year Events are as well. Instead their Registration Status is changed to Deferred, so that you can easily download a Deferred Registrations Report and Import these entries when you open up next year’s Events for registration.
  9. Transfer to Other Races

    1. RunSignUp allows you to transfer any registrations to another Race that you own within the Dashboard. When a registration is transferred to another Race, it’s original registration is kept in the original Race, but it is marked as “Transfer to Other Races” to indicate that it has been moved to another Race and removed from the current one.
  10. Beginning/Ending Registration ID

    1. Using these fields is very similar to using the Registered Since/Until Fields, as RunSignUp’s Registration IDs are sequential and increase with each registration, but can be better for certain situations where you can pinpoint exactly what registration is the cutoff for your desired timeframe. 
      1. For example, you may want to run a report to see how many registrations occurred during your on-site packet pickup which lasted from 7:00am until 8:00am, but online registration was still open up until 6:59am so simply filtering it by the race day would not build the desired report. By using the Registration ID of the first person to register after 7:00am as the Beginning Registration ID, and the last person to register before 8:00am as the Ending Registration ID, you will have a report that only includes the registrations that you want.
  11. Imported

    1. You can select Yes or No from the Imported dropdown to filter this report to either show only those registrations that were imported, or only those who registered online.
  12. Checked In

    1. You can use this dropdown to filter your report to include either only those who have checked in, or only those who have not yet checked in.
  13. With Online Payment

    1. The With Online Payment dropdown will filter your report to either include only those who have an online payment, or only those who do not have an online payment. 
      1. Note: this dropdown is different than the Imported dropdown because there are cases where a registration that was not imported does not have an associated payment because it was a $0.00 registration, or they used a coupon code or other discount to make their Amount Paid $0.00.

Update Report

After you have entered in some text into a search field, and have selected the drop-downs that you would like to filter by, make sure to use the Update Report button to make your changes show in your current report. 

Once you have updated this report you can use the Report Options or Export Options to save this report, show graphical reports or summaries, or to download/export this report in many different formats.


While you can always use the Event dropdown from the Search/Change Event section in order to select another year’s registrants to view, we have added a quick Change Year link to the top of any report for easy access.


Report Options among other things allows you to customize the view of your report to include additional columns, save custom reports, and view imports made to your Race.

  1. Save Report
    1. Once you are happy with your report you can save it for future access by using the Save Report feature under Report Options. 
  2. View Saved Reports
    1. To access any previously saved reports click View Saved Reports from the Report Options dropdown, then select it from the list of available Saved Reports.
  3. Graphical Reports
    1. This option found under the Report Options dropdown is simply a quick link to the Graphical Reports. Learn more about Graphical Reports here
  4. Summary Info
    1. This mini report found under the Report Options dropdown gives you a quick summary of all fees and registrant numbers associated with this report.
  5. Hidden Fields
    1. This option will show “hidden” fields. These are fields that are not commonly used and are not shown when you do a “Show All Columns” since there are about 75 columns. Once you pick a field to show on this page, it will always be available.
  6. View Imports
    1. To view/manage imports made to your race use this function found under Report Options. This will list out all imports made during this report, and will let you click the Import Date of each if you would like to view the registrations associated with this import. From the Import Management page you can delete an import by clicking the red Delete Import button.

Customize View

By default only a small selection of fields are shown for each registrant. If you need to see more fields for your registrants than what is shown by default you can use the Customize View option to define exactly which fields will be hidden/shown for this particular report. Check the box next to the title of the fields that you would like included, then click Customize to have the changes shown in the current report.

When you click Customize View, you will be prompt to Build Custom Report. For more options of common columns, click on the tab "Pick From All Columns".

Pick From All Columns

This option will show all available fields to your Race. Be aware that your race may or may not have all of the fields listed, as this is dependent on your Race’s particular setup and what features you have enabled.


If you need to export or download your registrant’s information you can do so by using the Export Options dropdown found under Participants > View Participants.

Be aware that many of these options allow you to limit your export/download to the current report, or to download all available data. 

  1. Daily Registration Summary
    1. By default the Search/Change Event function is limited to the most used functions. These are explained below. If you are looking for more options on ways to search through and filter your participant data, please see the section on Search All Fields. 
  2. Customize Export
    1. Currently the only option for exports is to change the way that Add-ons are displayed in CSV, Google Sheets, PDF, and Dropbox exports.
  3. Download As CSV
    1. You can download a CSV spreadsheet with either all columns, or just the filtered report that you are currently viewing, by using this function.
  4. Download To Google Sheets
    1. You can also open a spreadsheet with all columns, or just the filtered report that you are currently viewing in Google Sheets.
  5. Download Report As PDF
    1. If you would like a printable PDF of a report you can download it with this function.
  6. Hy-Tek Export
    1. If you use Hy-Tek for scoring events you can download your entrants in their format by using this feature.
  7. Export
    1. If you use for scoring events you can download your entrants in their format by using this feature.
  8. Download Report to Dropbox
    1. You can download a report directly to Dropbox with this feature. In order to do so you will be asked to login with your personal Dropbox account.
  9. Build Bib Labels
    1. RunSignUp has a built-in Bib Label builder that is explained in depth here.


By default all reports will have an Edit Registration column at the far right hand side of the report (You may need to scroll over in your browser to see it!). 

In this column you will have options to either: 

  1. Manage a Participant
  2. Edit a Participant’s information.

Edit Button

  1. By Editing a participant’s Personal Information, you are actually editing their personal RunSignUp account - meaning that any changes that you make here will be reflected in every other race that this person is currently registered for.
  2. You also have the option to Mark Physical Address as Undeliverable. This is useful if you are shipping items and do not want to ship to a certain address, but also do not want to remove the participant’s address from their Profile’s Personal Information.
  3. This section deals with any choices made by participants dealing with this race in particular. This will include their Giveaway selection, Add Ons, Bib number assignments, and Question responses. 
  4. You can also add Registration Notes to each participant by using the Registration Notes field.

Manage Button

  1. When you click on the “Manage” button, you will be able to view that user’s registration information for that particular event. In addition to this, you will also be given the options to edit that participant’s information, transfer that participant into a different event (if applicable), edit the participant’s add-ons, refund that registrant, and/or remove that user’s registration. 
    1. You can learn more about Managing Participants in general here.