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East Bay Front Runners and Walkers


Members receive invitations to club social events, and have a say in club decisions, including election of officers, setting of dues, and more. Members also have access to our Discord channel, for communicating with fellow members on a variety of topics, and sending direct messags to other members. Membership dues help the club pay for annual expenses such as liability insurance, entry fees for pride events, permits, our website, etc. We use RunSignUp to register EBFRW members. If you don't already have a RunSignUp account, you will create one as part of the sign up process.

Membership Levels

Individual from $30
12 Month Membership: $30.00
Individual: Seniors (65+), Students or Young Adults (18-30) from $20
12 Month Membership: $20.00
Household from $40
12 Month Membership: $40.00
Household: Seniors (65+), Students or Young Adults (18-30) from $30
12 Month Membership: $30.00
Registration Only (if you've paid an officer by cash, check or Venmo) from $0
12 Month Membership: $0.00

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