Weinstein is a pharmacy boutique providing superior service to customers in Katonah for over 100 years. In addition to perscriptions and health care products, we offer a whole array of gift items from new baby and toys to home furnishings, hostess gifts and jewelry. Weinstein also stocks high-end cosmetics such as Clarins as well as premium hair-care products like Kerastase, Bumble & Bumble and Frederick Fekkai, and luxury home fragrances such as Rosy Rings, Seda France and Lady Primrose. We also create beautiful gift baskets made to order at the store or through our gift basket website.

Our products are always being updated to meet the needs of our customers, but our warm personal service always remains the same. Stop by and see what is going on at Weinstein’s.

101 Katonah Avenue, Katonah, NY
Phone: 914-232-5166

Monday-Friday: 8:15am to 6pm
Saturday: 8:15am to 5pm
Sunday: 9:30am to 1:30pm