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Chastain Challenge

Sun September 1 - Tue October 15 Atlanta, GA 30342 US Directions

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RaceJoy Live Phone Tracking and Cheer Sending


Use the RaceJoy app for advanced tracking of participants and show your support with cheer sending. Participants set up for tracking in RaceJoy and carry their phone as they complete the course. Spectators track participants’ actual location in a map view and can send audio cheers. GPS-based progress alerts are typically issued at every mile along the course. Participants need to opt-in for spectators to track them in RaceJoy. Download the RaceJoy app here.

Bib Name Event Gender Age City State
234 Kathryn Pribish Regular Registration Entry Female 50 Atlanta GA US
50 Taylor Prokes Regular Registration Entry Female 33 Atlanta GA US
254 Susan Propp Regular Registration Entry Female 54 Atlanta GA US
114 Yris Pulido Montoya Regular Registration Entry Female 44 Stone Mountain GA US
195 Samantha Quick Regular Registration Entry Female 50 Atlanta GA US
7 Chris Quigley Regular Registration Entry Male 60 Atlanta GA US
6 Francie Quigley Regular Registration Entry Female 60 Atlanta GA US
295 Pedro Ramos Regular Registration Entry Male 23 Greer SC US
29 Regan Reinhold Regular Registration Entry Female 59 Atlanta GA US
214 Kelsey Renoe Regular Registration Entry Female 30 Sandy Springs GA US
of 30

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