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Growler Gallop Atwater Grand Rapids

Sun April 30, 2017 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 US Directions

Participant Tracking

Race-Timed Split & Finish Alerts

Receive text or email alerts as participants cross timing equipment along the course. Tracking alerts are based upon the participant’s bib/chip and participants do not need to carry their phone. The number of alerts varies per course. Sign up to receive alerts with the Result Notifications buttons below.

Bib Name Event Gender Age City State
60 James Brown 5k Male 57 Rockford MI US
223 Samantha Brown 5k Female 25 Kalamazoo MI US
194 ERIC BRUSKOTTER 5k Male 37 Grandville MI US
170 Ken Campbell 5k Male 47 Grand Rapids MI US
178 Jessica Cassani 5k Female 26 Kentwood MI US
266 Kellie Castillo 5k Female 55 Hudsonville MI US
259 Modesto Castillo 5k Male 48 Grand Rapids MI US
132 Elle Cheung 5k Female 31 Grand Rapids MI US
89 Erik Church 5k Male 37 Ada MI US
90 Jessica Church 5k Female 36 Ada MI US
of 31

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