Blossvale, NY US 13308
Work off that turkey feast by brining your family and friends to the 2022 MVFD Turkey Trot on Saturday, November 26th @ 9AM. Participates can choose to run or walk the 3.1 mile loop that will begin and end at the McConnellsville Fire Department.
Registration is $20/person. This includes water stops along the route and t-shirt (guaranteed only if registered before 11/11/22).
All proceeds will benefit the McConnellsville Volunteer Fire Department.
Course Details:
Begin at McConnellsville Fire Department, right onto McConnellsville Road, left onto Route 13, left onto Powell Road, left onto Kimball Road, Left onto McConnellsville Road, ending at the fire department.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.