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Help us out before the run!

Fill Color Bottles

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


Specifics to come closer to the event...

Looking for a way to help out from the comfort of your own home? This job is for you! Come grab a box of color, some bottles, take them home, fill the bottles with the color, and return them. This usually takes place a week or two prior to the run. It can be a bit of a messy job but a funnel helps and the color is corn starch based so it cleans up easily.


The comfort of your own home! Color + bottle pick-up location TBD.

Pre-Run Check-in High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

November 27, 2024

November 28, 2024


Specifics to come closer to the event...

We will be offering pre-run check-in a few days prior to the event. Please note times may change but not by much. We may also split these into smaller shifts if needed. Last year we checked in 80% of registrants prior to the run! You will be assisting with check-ins, registrations, and t-shirt distribution.


Eastmark Home Finding Center

Help us out at the run!

Run Set Up High Priority

November 29, 2024


Help set up the event. Tasks may include unloading and set up of color stations and water stations along the route, registration area, vendor/sponsor booths, parking, etc.


Eastmark Great Park + Run Route

Color Throwers Low Priority

You must be 14 or older to volunteer for this task.

November 29, 2024


You will be stationed along the route to throw color at the runners as they pass. Color stations can be as far as 1.5 miles from the starting line of the race. Limited transportation will be available to/from color stations. Adults preferred but we will pair up students needing "volunteer hours" with adults to throw color.


Eastmark Great Park + Run Route

Clean Up High Priority

November 29, 2024


We like to leave Eastmark better than we found it! Help us break down the event and clean up in/around the Great Park and along the route.


Eastmark Great Park + Run Route

Photographer Medium Priority

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

November 29, 2024


Calling all photography enthusiasts! We need several photographers to capture all the FUN!! You do NOT need to be a professional to volunteer. When the race is over we will need the photos transferred to the EPCR flash drive or drop ASAP.


The Eastmark Great Park + Route

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