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Hustle for the Herd

Sat April 11, 2020 Ridgely, MD 21660 US Directions


10k (6.2 miles)

9:00AM EDT - 11:30AM EDT

5k (3.1 miles)

9:00AM EDT - 11:30AM EDT

1 Mile Fun Run

9:00AM EDT - 11:30AM EDT

Hustle for the Herd CANCELLED

COVID-19 Update - 3/16/2020

We here at the Huslte for the Herd committee, are aware of the COVID-19 crisis that is sweeping our nation and have been actively speaking with Health Officers and the Department of Emergency Management on a daily basis, in regards to its potential impact on our event. On 3/15/2020 the Center For Disease Control made the recommendation that all events, over 50 people, be canceled or postponed for the next eight (8) weeks. The Governor of Maryland, in an Executive Order on 3/16/2020, enacted this guideline as a part of the State of Maryland's COVID-19 response plan.

The 2020 Hustle For The Herd 10k/5k has officially been cancelled for this year, and with that, we would like to offer the following options to you. Please keep in mind that the funds from this event go towards the care and upkeep of our Goat Herd, responsible for helping us keep invasive species under control. 

1) Defer your entry to the 2021 event. You will get an email the moment that we re-open registration for the 2021 event, and you will register, at NO COST, for that event. Your 2020 entry fee will go, immediately, to support the herd this year. 

2) Choose for your entry to go to the Herd this year (2020), even though you will not be able to attend the 2021 event. 

3) Request a partial refund (50%). We would like to be able to provide SOME type of contribution to the maintenance of the goat herd. Please note, anyone choosing for the refund will NOT receive a deferrment to the 2021 event. 

We are saddened that the state of affairs has come to this, but we understand the need to limit events, to curtail the spread of the COVID-19 process. We hope that you are able to maintain your fitness and activity, and that you consider utlizing the trails at Adkins Arboretum, as a respite from this unprecedented event!


Here Are Your Options:

We will transfer your registration to the new event date once it is set, and look forward to having you join us. Thanks for your patience!

You understand that this event was to help with the maintenance of the Adkins Arboretum Goat Herd, and that your help is appreciated!

We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.


12610 Eveland Road
Ridgely, MD US 21660


COVID-19 Update – March 13, 2020

On March 12, 2020, Governor Larry Hogan decreed that all events over 250 persons be cancelled, to help curtail the spread of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) virus. We understand the need for the immediate cancellation of a few of our events, but we are hoping that THIS event will be outside of the timeframe. If the current State of Emergency encompasses our event, then we will have to re-evaluate the cancellation or re-scheduling of our event… BUT AT THIS TIME WE ARE STILL A GO FOR THE EVENT!!

What are we doing to help you decide if you should sign up… We are FREEZING all prices at their current rates. That means that there will not be ANY price increases for the events, until AT LEAST a week after the State of Emergency is lifted. This will allow YOU to decide when you sign up for the event, and to keep an eye on the situation.

AGAIN, at this time, THE EVENT IS STILL SCHEDULED and PRICES HAVE BEEN FROZEN. Should we have to take actions on the event, we will be reaching out to everyone, to explain the options available.


This annual 10k and 5k run will take you through the beautiful Adkins Arboretum on Saturday, April 11th, 2020. The events are traditionally a multi loop course through our path system, giving you a breath taking view of everything that the Arboretum has to offer. The whole day is a way for us to help take of the Goat Herd that helps to keep invasive plant species from encroaching on the grounds. 

Make sure to mark this event as a MUST DO on your race calendar! With a local Scavenger hunt going on at the property at 2pm, this is a family friendly event!! Check out the family sign-up for the Scavenger Hunt HERE

This year ALL finishers will receive a giveaway at the finish and our age group winners will get a tree-mendous award!


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Welcome to the course!!


Race Participant Survey

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