Location: Indianapolis, IN US 46230


Visit the Indy Runners website at www.indyrunners.org.

Indy Runners is a volunteer-led, nonprofit club that serves to promote running and walking as a healthy lifestyle activity and as a competitive sport. The club serves to meet the member needs by creating opportunities for group runs/walks, social functions, volunteer leadership, organized races, fitness education and communication between members.  Indy Runners is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and has been around since 1978!

Indy Runners provides opportunities for beginning runners, walkers, and seasoned racers looking for group speed workouts. Indy Runners can help you achieve your goals whether you are looking to drop a few pounds or go for a "PR".

Our club is your club, as we try to offer a "place for every pace". Club activities are a great way to meet people who share a similar healthy interest in fitness.

Membership Levels

Indy Runners - Individual Membership

Why Should I Join?
Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $35.00 + $3.00 Processing Fee

Indy Runners - Family Membership

Same benefits as the individual membership, but for the entire family*!

* Note: Family membership applies only to the spouse, child(ren), and/or significant other/partner, living at the same address as the primary registered participant paying full price. Up to five members.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 5

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $70.00 + $4.20 Processing Fee

Indy Runners - "All In" Membership Assistance Fund

The "All In Membership Assistance Fund" was designed during the pandemic as an aid to those who were most affected financially during an extraordinary time in our history. Now, as then, it relies on the "Honor System". Indy Runners and Walkers is a non-profit organization, and we want to continue to offer this support to people in need as a way to keep them connected with healthy movement, the Club, and the community during challenging times. 

We are certainly aware that it is possible to "game the system" and use this membership type solely as a way to obtain the Club Discount on some of our races and events. But we ask that you use the honor system in choosing this type of club membership based upon your personal situation.  No questions asked, and names of those utilizing the fund will be held in strict confidence by the club leadership.
Thank you for your participation and understanding. We are All In this together!

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $0.00

Free Trial Membership

Try before you buy! This is an opportunity to try out all that Indy Runners and Walkers has to offer! 

The Trial membership runs for 30 days, and it entitles you to come out and experience any of our runs/walks and socials during that time period. This membership is not to be used to obtain member discounts on our club races and events.

Our membership in Road Runners Club of America does require agreeing to our waiver before joining a club run/walk, and the Free Trial membership takes care of that if you are not ready to become a full member yet. Plus, in the unlikely event of an emergency, we would have your information.  

When this one-time trial nears the end, you will receive emails urging you to 'renew'. If we have met your expectations and can help you further your fitness goals, please join the club as a full member! We'd love to have you.

Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1

Membership Options

30 Day Membership: $0.00

Club Officers

Name Title
Andrew Scott President
Sally Cleveland Treasurer
Mark Nickerson Secretary

Club Contact Information

PO Box 301142
Indianapolis, IN US 46230
Website: www.indyrunners.org

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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