Location: Muskegon, MI US 49440


Run Muskegon was established in the summer of 2011 and as of 2016 is an accredited 501(c)3 non-profit!

Mission Statement – Run Muskegon’s goal is to encourage the residents of Muskegon County to live a healthy and active lifestyle. This is achieved by supporting participation in running, emphasizing group runs and developing relationships with people that share the same vision. Run Muskegon focuses on helping individuals train for races of various distances – 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, triathlons and more.

Run Muskegon hosts the Shamrock Shuffle 5k in Downtown Muskegon as well as the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. 

Join us every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm at Pigeon Hill Brewer’s Lounge for our weekly group run. All paces and distances welcome.

We're a proud member of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA)

Membership Levels

Individual Membership

Benefits of Run Muskegon Club Membership: 

  • Camaraderie of fellow runners on weekly group runs, social events and races
  • Membership in the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) and its benefits
  • Access to discount codes on available road races
  • Eligibility to attend and vote at the Annual Run Muskegon Meeting 
  • Eligibility to hold office

Run Muskegon Runner Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is created for the safety and benefit of Run Muskegon, its members and guest. It is adapted from Road Runners Club of America which is required for participating running clubs. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the basic principles of decency we expect members to follow so that members can achieve their running goals in a safe, fun and supporting environment.

As a member of Run Muskegon, I agree to:

  • Always show respect to fellow club members and guests at all times
  • Always show respect and appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to help with the club and/or events
  • Never yell, taunt or threaten physical violence upon another member of the club, a volunteer or event spectator
  • Never use abusive or vulgar language or make racial, ethnic religious or gender related slurs or derogatory comments at club events
  • Never make unwanted verbal, sexual or physical contact with others
  • Follow all rules of the road: don’t walk/run more than two abreast.
  • Abide by intersection crosswalk signs. Use sidewalks when available
  • Respect pedestrians, cyclists and others using the road and bike path. Chin up, pay attention and give way to others when necessary
  • Look after runners within your training group. If someone is struggling, inform your run leader and make sure they are not left on their own. No one should be left behind for any reason!
  • Use of headphones during group runs is strongly discouraged for your safety and the safety of others around you. If you feel compelled to wear headphones during a group run, either use them at a low volume or only use in one ear to be able to hear what is going on around you. Please be courteous to your group leader and fellow runners by being alert and engaged
  • Each member is a representative of RM. Be mindful of your actions in public places, at events and races and during training runs as they may reflect, or have a negative consequence for, RM as an organization
  • Show appreciation to event organizers. Thank the race management, timers, volunteers, fans, etc. if you had a bad experience, keep your comments to your personal online accounts as to not impose your opinion as the “clubs” opinion
  • Keep track of all you your trash and dispose of properly
  • Members/runners are required to sign in/out on the club sign in sheet at all organized weekly group runs

Always report violations of the Code of Conduct to a member of the RM board:

To report a violation, email runmuskegon@gmail.com or contact a board member directly (in person or writing)-  their information is here on the club page
Reports of violation will be addressed by Run Muskegon promptly, within 5-10 business days. 


Maximum Number of Members Included in Membership: 1
Minimum Age: 18

Membership Options

12 Month Membership: $15.00 + $2.50 Processing Fee

Club Officers

Name Title
Sidney Long President
Rich Cater Vice President
Cathy Cantu Secretary
Nicole Bush Tresurer
Shirita Williams Member at Large
David Engblom Member at Large

Club Contact Information

895 Fourth Street
Muskegon, MI US 49440
Website: www.runmkg.com

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Run Muskegon Code of Conduct

Run Muskegon Runner Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is created for the safety and benefit of Run Muskegon, its members and guest. It is adapted from Road Runners Club of America which is required for participating running clubs. The purpose of this policy is to set forth the basic principles of decency we expect members to follow so that members can achieve their running goals in a safe, fun and supporting environment.

As a member of Run Muskegon, I agree to:

Always show respect to fellow club members and guests at all times
Always show respect and appreciation for the volunteers who give their time to help with the club and/or events
Never yell, taunt or threaten physical violence upon another member of the club, a volunteer or event spectator
Never use abusive or vulgar language or make racial, ethnic religious or gender related slurs or derogatory comments at club events
Never make unwanted verbal, sexual or physical contact with others
Follow all rules of the road: don’t walk/run more than two abreast.
Abide by intersection crosswalk signs. Use sidewalks when available
Respect pedestrians, cyclists and others using the road and bike path. Chin up, pay attention and give way to others when necessary
Look after runners within your training group. If someone is struggling, inform your run leader and make sure they are not left on their own. No one should be left behind for any reason!
Use of headphones during group runs is strongly discouraged for your safety and the safety of others around you. If you feel compelled to wear headphones during a group run, either use them at a low volume or only use in one ear to be able to hear what is going on around you. Please be courteous to your group leader and fellow runners by being alert and engaged
Each member is a representative of RM. Be mindful of your actions in public places, at events and races and during training runs as they may reflect, or have a negative consequence for, RM as an organization
Show appreciation to event organizers. Thank the race management, timers, volunteers, fans, etc. if you had a bad experience, keep your comments to your personal online accounts as to not impose your opinion as the “clubs” opinion
Keep track of all you your trash and dispose of properly
Members/runners are required to sign in/out on the club sign in sheet at all organized weekly group runs
Always report violations of the Code of Conduct to a member of the RM board:

To report a violation, email runmuskegon@gmail.com or contact a board member directly (in person or writing)-  their information is here on the club page
Reports of violation will be addressed by Run Muskegon promptly, within 5-10 business days. 

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

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