Location: Rockford, IL US 61126


Welcome to the Rockford Wildcats private team club site.  It is through this site that we communicate to the many families both new and old that are members of the Rockford Wildcats.  Do not sign up at this site if your child is not running with the Rockford Wildcats.  This will be your account that you will be able to manage the information and you will be able to unsubscribe from emails at anytime in the future.  The membership also will need to be renewed each year.  

NOTE: There must be at a minimum one parent/guardian associated with each account.  Enter your information first then your children.

In signing up the parent or guardian will initially enter all of their required information then you will be able to " ADD ANOTHER MEMBER " for each of your children running with the Wildcats as well as another parent/guardian. It is with secondary entries you can insert a second or third email that you might wish to receive emails at. 

Choose  the membership level by clicking on the circle under the " Wildcat Family "  

Please advise us on emergency contact and if there might be any medical conditions that we should be award of and finally be sure to give us everyone's ages.

If you have a RunSignup account sign into that account first then create your Wildcat Club Membership - You may have an existing RunSignUp account if you have registered for a local race via a RunSignup Registration site. Use the "Registered Users" Sign In button at the top right after you hit sign up to sign into your RunSignUp account.

Do not signup on this site unless your child is running with the Rockford Wildcats youth running team. We will delete any account that is not in compliance with this request.

Should you have any problems or questions when signing up please contact us at admin@rockfordroadrunners.org 


Membership Levels

Wildcat Family

Rockford Wildcats RunSignUp club site is a private club site.  We use this site to manage the large number  of families that come to run with us.  The site is utilized to manage ongoing emails to those who have joined.  There is NO cost to join.  The information you provide is never shared it is only used by the Rockford Wildcats.

Memberships must include at a minimum one parent/guardian.  Should you wish to include both parents and a second email so communications go to both that is fine.

Please answer all questions as this provides are coaches easy access to this information should they need it.

There is NO cost to create your Rockford Wildcat club account.

Membership Options

Yearly Membership Ending On 2/28: $0.00

Club Officers

Name Title
Liz Baumgardt Head Coach

Club Contact Information

P.O. Box 7991
Rockford, IL US 61126
Website: http://www.rockfordwildcats.org/

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.

Club Membership Discounts

As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races:

© 2024 RunSignup, Inc.  

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