TriChix Multisport is the only women's only triathlon club on the gulf coast. The club is a non-profit "girl gang" established for sisterhood in the multisport community. You will have opportunities to learn, play and challenge each other to become a better you. Whether you are new to fitness, new to the multisport, or a veteran triathlete/athlete we welcome you to join!
Name | Title |
Mindi Straw | President |
Jeanne Boyle | Secretary |
Danielle Wolfe | Treasurer |
Katherine Taylor | Member at Large |
Jan Lawrence | Member at Large |
MJ Falvey | Newsletter Chair-Chix |
Mary Stearly | Events Chair-Chix |
Karen Robinson | Events Chair-Chix |
KaSandra Lee | Merchandise Chair-Chix |
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.