Membership Levels
We promote fitness through the enjoyment of running and walking. We have programs and events for all abilities and ages, including a weekly Kids Program called the Roady Fun Run. The Club meets weekly on Thursdays from April through October at the Shadyside Activity Center. These are timed and organized running and walking events. We meet informally through the winter months. The three major community races our Club provides are the White River Run in June, Run The Mounds in the Fall, and a Turkey Trot.
You are signing up to become a member of our Club. Once you are a member, you will automatically be signed up for our Thursday Night Point Series. To be eligible for year end awards you must participate in 8 of the 20 Thursday Point Series. A newsletter, THE PACER, will be e-mailed to the e-mail address you provide.
Highschool Seniors must be Club Members to be eligible for our Senior Scholarship. Considerations will be given to those that participate and volunteer with the club. Applications are available in January for a Spring award. An essay explaining why you deserve this award along with the application are due April 1. Please see a board member for details.
The Anderson Road Runners Club is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization. Your membership fees go towards our website, event insurance, club activities, the Roady Kids Run, youth scholarships and club membership with RRCA. We welcome anyone with a desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle with the support of friends.
The Roady Fun Run is a free program provided by the Anderson Road Runners to families in our community. You can find out more information at the tab on the left side bar.
Contact Form
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
PO Box 282
Anderson, IN 46015 US