Salisbury Rowan Runners

Select Your Membership Level

Individual Membership - Standard

One year membership or renewal with the option to join a mileage club.

***Note:  If you are joining Salisbury Rowan Runners for the purpose of attending a Beginning Runners Class, please use the "Beginning Running Class" membership option below.

Payment Option

Individual Membership - Active Volunteer

One year membership or renewal for those who HAVE VOLUNTEERED at a race or designated club event during the previous 12 months with the option to join a mileage club.

Payment Option

Family Membership

New membership or renewal for a family with the option to join a mileage club.

Payment Option

Beginning Running Class

Thinking about taking up running but don’t know how to get started? Running is actually easy when you know how. Come learn from seasoned runners and go from 0 to 5K in just eight weeks.

The Beginners' Running Training Program is an eight-week course designed to take you from a beginning runner to 5K runner. Each evening begins with approximately 30 minutes of classroom instruction then we hit the streets for a run that gradually increases in distance from 1/2 mile to 3.1 miles. 

WHERE: Salisbury Police Department: 130 E. Liberty Street, Salisbury, NC 28144

WHEN:  Spring 2025 class:  Tuesday evenings, March 11 - April 29, 2025; 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

HOW: 30 minutes of classroom instruction followed by 30 minutes on the streets around Downtown Salisbury

COST: $65 (includes one-year membership in Salisbury Rowan Runners, dry-fit training shirt and entry fee for one Salisbury Rowan Runners 5K race.)  

Note:  Current members of Salisbury Rowan Runners in good standing may attend the Beginning Running Class free of charge (does not include shirt or 5K race) - RSVP to David Freeze at


Week 1 - Overview and Goals

Week 2 - Running Shoes

Week 3 - Stretching & Strengthening

Week 4 - Running Form

Week 5 - Injury Prevention

Week 6 - Nutrition

Week 7 - Safety

Week 8 - Race Day and Beyond & Run 5k Course

Presented by: Salisbury Rowan Runners in conjunction with Novant Health Rowan Medical Center, Salisbury Parks and Recreation & Salisbury PD

CONTACT: David Freeze - 704-310-6741 / or Steve Clark - 704-638-5286 with questions

Payment Option
You must selected at least one membership before submitting.

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