This group is for members of the Centerville Striders to compete at the Hunger Games Track Meet at Welcome Stadium in Dayton on May 25th.
Join this remind group to receive information and as a means of communication for Track
Register here to pick your events. Registrations is to cover team fees for this meet.
Each runner can enter up to 3 Events
Please wear black shorts and Striders T-shirts (teal shirt with YELLOW logo).
Spikes are allowed, (not required), spike length shall not exceed 1/4"; for rubberized surfaces.
The top 8 finishers in each event will win a medal. Medals will be presented at the giant podium.
The Hunger Games Meet is a collaborative effort with Dayton Public Schools, Dayton Visitors Bureau and The Dayton Area Food Bank. The goal is to host a world class Track & Field Meet for young athletes and address the issue of world hunger and food.
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races: