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Membership Levels

1 Year Membership Individual/Family ARK 1 year membership $15 plus processing fee. from $15
12 Month Membership: $15.00
2 Year Membership Individual/Family ARK 2 year membership $25 plus processing fee from $25
24 Month Membership: $25.00
3 Year Membership Individual/Family ARK 3 year membership $35 plus processing fee from $35
36 Month Membership: $35.00
Senior (65 and over) or Active Military ARK 1 year active military or 1 year senior citizen membership: $10 plus processing fee from $10
12 Month Membership: $10.00


Arkansas Running Klub (ARK) of North Little Rock is a non-profit organization of runners and walkers of all ages and backgrounds, who share a common interest in physical fitness and better health.  ARK seeks to promote these interests in the Central Arkansas community by holding regular meetings, training runs and races. Joining ARK is a great way to meet other runners, reach fitness goals, and be a positive force in the community.

Contact Form

If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.


1708 Vista Creek Drive
Sherwood, AR 72120 US

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