Thank you for considering supporting the Colonial Road Runners Community Funds with your generous donation. The Scholarship Fund contributions directly impacts graduating high school seniors who are members of Colonial Road Runners, recognizing their outstanding achievements in distance running, academics, and citizenship. Shoes For Dreams helps purchase running shoes and equipment for our community youth runners in-need. "If you buy them, they will run!" The Community Fund is the general fund that assists our efforts to further our Mission Statement below.
Mission Statement
Colonial Road Runners, Inc. (CRR), is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), educational organization dedicated to the promotion of running, walking, health and fitness.
In furtherance of its goal, CRR may hold races on the roads, trails, cross country or track, interval workouts, group runs and walks, social runs, lectures, clinics, meetings and other educational activities, and social events; publish a newsletter; make awards; and hold other activities or events as may be conducive to the encouragement of running and walking.
Other club objectives may include engaging in community activities, awarding scholarships to deserving college-bound students, publicizing by appropriate means the benefits of long distance running and walking, and coordinating with other agencies advocating these activities as a means to enhance physical fitness.
All funds received by, or belonging to, the association will be spent entirely for carrying out the stated purposes of the organization. No part of the net earnings of the club shall accrue to the benefit any individual.
Road Runners Club of America - Colonial Road Runners, Inc. (Group Exemption)
EIN# 54-1168683
IRS Tax Exempt Org. Search