Membership Levels
Richmond Road Runners Club's mission is to support running and healthy lifestyles in the Richmond, Virginia region. We do this by sponsoring races in our area, helping other organizations put on races, coaching training teams, supporting kids' running programs, supporting a variety of group runs and awarding academic scholarships to college-bound runner athletes.
RRRC is an all-volunteer organization that sponsors nearly 20 races each year with distances ranging from 3 miles to half marathon. Club members are runners or those looking to become runners, who are of all paces, ages and shapes. With approximately 2,500 members, RRRC is one of the largest running clubs in the United States,
RRRC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization affiliated with the Road Runners Club of America.
Benefits of RRRC Membership
Membership in the club is open to all irrespective of age or ability. You do not need to be an accomplished runner, just someone who is interested in the sport and supporting running in Richmond. The club is a volunteer organization that encourages running at all levels.
The benefits of membership are:
- Support for running in the Richmond area
- Miles & Minutes, the club newsletter, published quarterly and posted online
- Discounts on all club races
- Discounts at local running stores (see their ads in Miles & Minutes)
- Running insurance at club-sponsored events
- Club scholarship program
- Group runs
- Training teams
- Membership in our national organization, the Road Runners Club of America
Contact Form
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
P.O. Box 8724
Richmond, VA 23226 US