Life is full of different stresses. Good stresses. Bad stresses and stresses that we may never even notice.
Physical, Chemical, and Emotional stresses basically create “How We Feel” every day.
Gravity plays a huge role on our physical system. Our bodies fight with gravity 24 hours a day. If our body isn’t aligned properly, gravity can play a pivotal role in creating an environment in which we feel pain, numbness, tingling and even create degenerative changes within our body. At, Precision Carolina, we re-align the body to minimize the gravitational stress placed on your body daily while allowing it to be structurally balanced.
Chemical stresses are very complex. Our bodies are basically chemical factories. Everything that happens in our bodies is due to a chemical reaction of some type. Nerve impulses, delivery of oxygen, digestion. Chemical changes occur based on what we consume; food, medication, drinks, and even our environment. Changes, if needed, to this environment and what we consume are crucial to our well-being while providing the building blocks for a healthier you.
Emotional stresses vary based on us. Our family life. Our spiritual life. How we handle daily stresses that life throws at us. Our ability to fit in required relaxation time. Our ability to have and enjoy conversations with family and friends.
At Precision Carolina Spinal Care in Anderson, SC, all are important. If we can assist you with the inevitable stresses of life, we will. If complex situations arise, we have a network of dedicated individuals to assist you in becoming the person you want to be.