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HBCUs Run the District 5K Run/Walk presented by Xfinity

June 26, 2021 Washington, DC 20016 US

Clark Atlanta University

The Washington, DC Metro HBCU Alumni Alliance, Inc.’s (DCHBCUAA) community outreach mission is to improve the health and well-being of our communities. Our efforts are aimed at reducing health disparities that are pervasive in predominantly African American communities. Depending on where you live in the Washington, DC area, there is a 15 year difference in life expectancy. Our programming is focused on addressing the social determinants of health and our priority areas are Health & Wellness, Hunger Awareness, and Higher Education. By leveraging the full value of the Alumni Alliance, we educate the community, provide financial resources, offer volunteers, and work strategically with our community partners to make a measurable impact to address the following issues: health, hunger, and education.

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Top Donors

$1,385 Raised By 26 Donors

$200 on behalf of Kimberly McLurkin Harris
$115 on behalf of David Harris, Sr.
$100 on behalf of Laura Grant
$100 on behalf of Rosa Linnear
$100 on behalf of Tonya Smalls
$100 on behalf of Virginia Boateng
$75 on behalf of In memory of CAU Alumna Anita Hanshaw Wyatt
$60 on behalf of Pamela Boswell
$50 on behalf of Catherine Graham
$50 on behalf of Jocelyn Bogen
$50 on behalf of Lynnette Williams
$50 on behalf of Nikki Bryson
$50 on behalf of Regina Jones-Austin
$25 on behalf of Amia Johnson
$25 on behalf of Charmain Charles
$25 on behalf of Charmain Charles
$25 on behalf of David Harris
$25 on behalf of Kimberly McLurkin-Harris
$25 on behalf of Kimberly Wallace
$25 on behalf of Mikini Williams
$25 on behalf of Rashawn Jones
$25 on behalf of Rhonda Young
$25 on behalf of TRESKA LYTLE
$15 on behalf of Shalom Jefferson
$10 on behalf of Marsha Lewis
$10 from Anonymous

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