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HBCUs Run the District 5K Run/Walk presented by Xfinity

June 26, 2021 Washington, DC 20016 US

*GREEK GIVEBACK*: Washington DC Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

The Washington DC Alumnae Chapter (WDCAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. annually gives scholarships to high school graduating seniors and continuing students who received a previous scholarship. This year, WDCAC celebrates 100 years of service to the residents of Washington, DC in 2021. In commemorating this milestone anniversary and continuing its legacy of building the community through scholarship and service, WDCAC offered specially targeted Centennial Scholarships for undergraduate students breaking new ground in the area of social justice; female graduate students in their second year of graduate school; graduating college seniors needing assistance; and adult learners and individuals who have received a GED and are continuing their education at the college level. These scholarships are in addition to our standing annual scholarships. In total, the WDCAC will award $75K in scholarships in May 2021!

Top Donors

$767 Raised By 18 Donors

$100 on behalf of Bettie Vogler
$79 on behalf of Patrice Clement
$55 on behalf of Terri Stroud
$50 on behalf of Barbara Smith
$50 On Behalf Of Cherie
$50 on behalf of Cynthia Hamlin
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Tamera Wells-Lee
$50 on behalf of Tracy Wilson
$50 On Behalf Of Xzaquoinett
$48 On Behalf Of Barbara J.
$25 on behalf of Kimberly Coleman
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Phyllis Epps
$20 on behalf of Anika Hunter
$20 on behalf of Lakay Wilkerson
$10 on behalf of AnnaMaria Ellis
$10 on behalf of Natasha Davis DeBose

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