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Sat June 1 - Sun June 30
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Team Fundraiser

Claire Runs 4Palliative Care

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Current Team Members:


Raised of $10,000



Please join CLAIRE RUNS 4 PALLIATIVE CARE in raising money for the Palliative Care Program at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital to help patients like my sister, Elizabeth, thrive despite the circumstances and challenges they face. TOGETHER we can make a huge impact and improve the lives of children and families living with chronic or terminal conditions. Thank you for your support!!💗


Top Donors

$13,710 Raised By 54 Donors

$1,000 on behalf of Kurt & Kathleen Saldana
$1,000 in honor of The Sheeren Family
$1,000 in honor of Tommy Schomaker & Elizabeth Sheeren
$500 on behalf of Carpe Diem
$500 in support of Elizabeth Sheeren
$500 from Anonymous
$500 On Behalf Of Katy and Chris Walsh
$500 in honor of Rhonda Bentz
$500 On Behalf Of The Aretakis Family
$500 in honor of The Owen Family
$500 on behalf of The Schuetze Family
$500 in honor of The Sheeren Family
$500 in honor of Tom Teknos
$300 in honor of Ski bums
$250 in honor of Charles Konieczny
$250 in support of Christopher Wiegel
$250 in honor of Claire
$250 in support of Donn & Kim Raymond
$250 in support of Elizabeth Sheeran
$250 in support of Elizabeth Sheeren
$250 in honor of Greg & Amy Whittemore
$250 On Behalf Of Marilyn & Larry Johnson
$250 in honor of Michele McHale
$250 on behalf of Paul and Bridget Flanagan
$250 On Behalf Of Suzie Decker
$250 in honor of The Sheeren Family
$125 in honor of Chris Pero
$125 in support of Claire Sheeren
$125 on behalf of Mark and Kim Hollis
$125 on behalf of PATRICIA POFAHL
$125 in honor of Paul Bove
$125 from Anonymous
$125 in honor of The Sheeren Family
$100 from Anonymous
$100 On Behalf Of Cathy Hendges
$100 On Behalf Of Cathy Hendges
$100 in support of Cyd Hamer
$100 in honor of Dave Foy
$100 in honor of Jeff Vaske
$100 on behalf of Michael Doyle
$100 On Behalf Of Portia & Jim Reimer
$100 in support of Susan and Joe Schmitt
$100 on behalf of The Mobley Family
$100 in honor of Vicki Salemi
$75 in honor of Christine Clark
$50 from Anonymous
$50 On Behalf Of Debbie Keith
$50 in honor of George Welte
$50 in honor of Kyle Griffith
$50 in honor of Lisa Roma
$50 in honor of Melissa Connell
$25 on behalf of Faye Sachs
$20 in honor of Monica Hojnacki
$15 on behalf of Benson Lu

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