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Mom Forward 5k

Sat May 13 - Sun May 14
Mom Forward 5k Team Fundraiser

Postpartum Powerwalkers

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💜 Help us break the barriers that limit a woman’s choice to pursue and thrive in both career and motherhood. 💜

About We Are &Mother
We envision a culture where motherhood is not a limiting factor in how women succeed professionally or personally.  Where women can openly express their needs and receive support without retribution. 
We envision a working world where mothers are supported as leaders and sought after as employees. Where the value of mothers in the workforce has become intrinsic such that new structural norms facilitate the needs of the modern family. 
We envision a society at gender parity — a society that is healthier and more productive because it values the contributions of women, with or without children.

Postpartum Powerwalkers Team Members


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