Hi there,
My name is Jennifer. Each year I choose a run that I can raise money for awareness, every cent that I fundraise is directly sent to the organization. This year, I chose Stand Up Survivor. For over a year, I have been able to find the courage and strength to give back to this cause, please help me in meeting my goal to help women and children leaving domestic violence situations.
Since the pandemic began, domestic violence calls to help centres, have doubled in numbers across the globe.
Reaching out and asking for help, a safe place, is an extremely difficult task for someone who has lived in silence for many years.
This May, please join me in this run or help with raising the funds to keep our women and children safe.
They say, “ It takes a village”, and as a survivor myself, along with my daughter, my village has gotten us through the toughest, scariest, isolating experiences of our lives.
We all look the same, survivors of domestic violence. We strive on the hope that tomorrow is a new day, and that life will get better. For some, that day doesn’t arrive.
I want to thank you all for your generosity and most importantly my biggest message to anyone seeing this campaign, you are never aware of what happens behind a closed door, always listen to anyone who is struggling. Along the way, you never know who you might just help, survive.
We are no longer Victims, We are Survivors.
Thank you,