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Light the Way 4k

Fri October 1 - Tue November 30 Anywhere, CT 06053 US

JewGood Hartford

Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $100


Let's Continue to Support This Great Cause

Those in our JewGood community might recall visiting Prudence Crandall Center for their tour and powerful educational session.  As domestic violence continues to remain rampant in our society, exacerbated by COVID isolation and confinement, the Prudence Crandall Center and its affiliates in other parts of CT provide such valuable, life-saving resources and protection.  Let's show support for Prudence Crandall, while spending time outdoors together enjoying the last bits of this beautiful weather!  Let's do this walk/run together on Sunday, October 17 at 2:00pm at the Reservoir in West Hartford on Albany Ave (Rt 44).  Please wear as much PURPLE as you can, and at the end we will have pumpkin painting. 


Thank you for supporting Prudence Crandall Center! For over 45 years, Prudence Crandall Center has been a leader in our state’s efforts to reduce the devastating impact of domestic violence in the lives of victims, their children, and our community. Today PCC is one of only a few programs in the country offering the full spectrum of shelter, housing and support services needed to offer practical, long-term solutions to the challenges faced by victims, helping them heal and move forward to safe, self-sufficient lives, free of violence. We also provide professional trainings, prevention programs for youth, and outreach to raise awareness, reach victims in need, and prevent violence in the future. Through all of our programs and services, we touch the lives of 8,000 adults and children each year throughout our region and state.

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