The Coast Miwok Tribal Council of Marin was organized in February, 2020, by a core group of lineal Marin Coast Miwok descendants. Since time immemorial, as long as the sun has filled our days with the gift of light, and as long as the moon has guided our path at night, Coast Miwok people, who hold the uncontestable aboriginal title, have occupied, tended, stewarded, held sacred ceremonies, defended and governed according to the traditions of our ancestors the unceded lands of present-day Marin County, California. Huukuiko, Inc., a 501(c)3 with an EIN: 92-0748316, was established in 2022 to seek and administer tax-deductible grants and donations to support the Council's commitment to preserve traditional Coast Miwok cultural and spiritual practices, offer educational workshops for children and adults, and share Indigenous best practices of land restoration and soil resiliency with the larger Marin community.