Founded in 2020 by Dr. Leeja Carter, The Coalition for Food and Health Equity is a Black and woman-led nonprofit organization that places hunger within the larger context of racial health equity, working to end hunger, improve health, and advance economic equity within historically marginalized communities. Our pillars are the core and drivers of our work:

UpRoot - We address the root causes of health inequity by identifying the ways structural oppression marginalizes communities and impedes health.

Reimagine - Through innovative, community-focused dreaming and data-based execution, we re-imagine community health, steeped in care, respect, trust, and reciprocity that leads to sustainable, transformative and racially liberatory change. 

ReBuild -  We build cultures of health through interdisciplinary, equity focused approaches that are honed in on local economies, tap into community assets to build power within these communities. At the core of this model is the intersection of community and data-driven innovation that activates the transformative power of local food and health systems that ripple into the wellness and revitalization of communities.