Welcome to Timed-Events, your place for quality professional RFID race chip timing on the bib and time managed events in state of Florida and with a branch office in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Timed-Events offers event RFID chip timing services for small, local events all the way up to major established running and walking events. We combine our top of the line timing equipment with our experience in event management to provide accurate and affordable race timing results. Depending on the event, we can be involved as much or as little as you desire. Some of our services include:

     ·        State of the art RFID chip timing
     ·        Complete start/finish line management
     ·        Seamlessly integrate with your packet pick-up
     ·        Results available immediately on-site and on the internet

This is just the start. We can work with you from the initial event planning stages, event execution, event promotions, and post-event wrap up.