Directions: This page is if you wish to go above and beyond. The Common Wheel, CFF, and JAMSQUAD very much appreciate a $5 donation or anything additional you'd like to give! If you wish to skip this step, just click "Continue" below.
About our Charity Partner: The Common Wheel was founded in 2014 and is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The Common Wheel has been devoted to promoting biking and bike culture through classes, programs, and events. And, we’re just getting started! Located in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, The Common Wheel is traveling with us all season to spread their mission and raise funds for programs back home! By making a donation or buying a new or refurbished bike from The Common Wheel, you are supporting revolutionary programs that are transforming their cycling community. Check out their many shop locations, services and programs by clicking HERE
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) is a 501c3 non-profit organization established to provide the means to cure cystic fibrosis (CF) and ensure that those living with CF live long and productive lives. The Foundation provides information about cystic fibrosis and finances CF research that aims to improve the quality of life for people with the disease. The Foundation also engages in legislative lobbying for cystic fibrosis. Bikes & Beers is proud to announce CFF as our national charity partner.
JAMSQUAD is a nonprofit program focused on donating to children and families. We believe that bikes can change lives and the earlier we get kids on a bike the greater the impact. The goal of this program is simple. Get kids on bikes! We donate bikes to promote healthy lifestyles and give people a fun outlet. Learn more HERE!