PAL was founded in 2006 by Michael Speakman, LISAC, while working as a substance abuse counselor in Arizona. As the number of meetings grew due to increasing demand, volunteer facilitators were trained and new groups opened across the Phoenix metro area.

PAL’s rapid growth led to Speakman asking a group of 12 parents to form a volunteer board of directors, and in February 2015 PAL was incorporated as a Christian-run non-profit 501(c)(3).

Kim Humphrey was hired as Executive Director of the young organization in March 2018, the first full-time staff member. The organization continued to grow rapidly, expanding across the U.S. as a formalized online training program was developed, and more staff members added to support the increasing number of volunteer facilitators. PAL meetings are open to all, regardless of faith or background, reflecting the organization’s primary goal of providing hope through education and support for parents of loved ones dealing with substance use disorder.

What Does PAL Do?
PAL’s free weekly meetings follow evidence-based practices and the curriculum used is designed specifically for parents by professionals in the treatment and recovery industry.

Each meeting includes two important parts:

1. An educational component that offers tools for participants to use such as ways to help rather than enable.

2. A support component where participants interact, sharing what has worked – and has not worked – for them in their community.

Not only is the physical and emotional health of parents improved, but in many cases their adult loved one reduces or stops their misuse of substances.

What Makes PAL Different From Similar Groups?
There are many worthwhile free resources for families of those struggling with substance use disorder. What makes PAL unique is the evidence-based practices and the peer-to-peer support,