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Virtual/In-Person Breast Cancer Run/Walk 4Life

Sat October 5 - Thu October 31 Somerset, NJ 08873 US

Almenas' Purple Butterflies
I love my momma

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Raised of $1,000


My Butterfly

My mother, Almena R. Kennard,  was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2016 and was in remission until June of 2019. In June she was diagnosed with mesothelioma, which was due to metastatic breast cancer.  In August of 2019, the sunset and she became our Angel. One of the things that we talked about when she was diagnosed was donating/walking and getting involved with Sister2Sister, In keeping with the promise that I made to her, I began honoring her wish and created this team. I will be honoring her again this year by walking for her and those that need someone to walk for them. I would love to see you walking with me, but please don't let the fact that you can't be there hinder you from getting involved. Your donations are greatly appreciated to continue this fight. She is smiling and watching over us and be sure she will be walking right next to me, making me laugh the entire walk. This is year 5  and she is soo happy and proud that we are continuing on this journey. 

Top Donors

$725 Raised By 15 Donors

$100 from Facebook Donation
$100 in support of Glover
$75 from Facebook Donation
$65 from Facebook Donation
$52 from Facebook Donation
$50 from Facebook Donation
$50 on behalf of Donna Austin
$50 on behalf of Dr. Angela Palmer-Williams
$41 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$26 from Facebook Donation
$25 from Facebook Donation
$25 on behalf of Anita Redman
$20 from Facebook Donation
$20 on behalf of Tracey Fama

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