Our School
- Miller South School for the Visual and Performing Arts is rated Excellent With Distinction, one of only 12 schools in Summit County with that rating.
- Our teachers average 17 years of experience; 84% hold a master’s degree or higher.
- Our diverse student body comes from districts outside of Akron as well as from Akron – 125 students are open enrolled from suburban communities.
- The school is equipped with six fine arts studios including a dance studio, art studios equipped with graphic arts computers, a 900-seat newly renovated auditorium, Little Theatre and a 25-unit Yamaha keyboard lab. Miller South has strong parent and community support.
- Miller South's OPT scores range from 86-100%, consistently the highest in the city and are comparable to surrounding school districts
- In addition to a strong academic curriculum, Miller South offers in-depth study in visual art, vocal and instrumental music, dance and drama.
- Miller South receives recognition from numerous universities and arts organizations in the region, including the International Network of Visual and Performing Art Schools, Ohio Arts Alliance and the Kent State Stark campus and Keep Akron Beautiful