History of the National NYCPD 10-13 Organizations, Inc.

In July 1990, the National NYCPD 10-13 Organizations, Inc. came into its formal existence. Its purpose was to both unify and affect the political climate and legislative agenda as it pertains to the welfare of New York City Police Department retirees of all ranks, and be the representative and voice of the many 10-13 chapters nationwide.

The National NYCPD 10-13 is based in New York. In early 1992, the National was recognized by the United States Congress, the New York State Assembly, and the New York State Senate, as the representative union of retirees of all ranks of the New York City Police Department.

The National has become a respected and recognized voice through its own lobbying efforts, and through it being a member organization of the Alliance of Public Retirees of New York. The National holds a position on the Board of the Alliance.