Sonoma Cryo
Sonoma Cryo is a Medical Rehabilitation and Wellness Center based in the heart of Sonoma Valley, offering the latest technology in holistic healing and regenerative therapy services designed to help you achieve your wellness goals. Whether you're looking to improve your physical health, mental health, or overall well-being, Sonoma Cryo offers a variety of packages and memberships to fit your needs. The friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you get the most out of your experience.
To book an appointment, call (707) 721-1484 or visit
Complimentary NormaTec Compression Therapy (30 minutes)
Vintage Festival Race & Fun Run participants will each receive one complimentary Compression Therapy service from Sonoma Cryo, a valued sponsor of the 2023 Vintage Festival!
How to Redeem Offer: You must present the confirmation email for your race registration at the time of your appointment. When booking your appointment, please mention this special offer.
This offer is valid through October 31, 2023, and is valid for ONE (1) Compression Therapy service per person.
Questions? Contact Sonoma Cryo by calling 707-721-1484 or email Visit to learn more.
Compression Therapy is a treatment modality that uses pulse massage to boost recovery and encourages blood flow to specific body parts, encouraging your body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to those areas. Speed up recovery, relieve pain, and improve athletic performance. The compression device uses compressed air to massage limbs, mobilize fluid and fight inflammation. The system then pulses the limbs squeezing pain-causing fluid and lactic acid out of them.