Rogue Force is a leading expert for all your security needs.

All of our employees are subjected to the most stringent 

Background Clearance and Random Drug Testing. 



Our security guards are tested for their competence and demeanor under stressful scenarios, and are trained to be the most skilled communicators, understanding that responding politely to everything from simple requests to emergency situations is a key factor when providing a safe and comfortable environment for all to enjoy.



Courtesy Patrol (Inspection Visits and/or Hourly Patrols)

Post Patrol (Foot Patrols and/or Vehicle Patrols)

Stationary Post (Guard Shack or Monitoring Station) 



All of our surveillance cameras can be custom designed to fit the needs of our clients. Surveillance cameras can be placed temporary for ease of moving from one location to another as the needs of your protection change, or they can be permanently placed.