Year 15 -- 2025 I still remember year 1 and the excitement of fundraising for the Els Golf Challenge...knowing little about fundraising at this magnitude and still in the early learning of autism. Little did we know that we would have some of the most amazing families come into our lives through this journey. Year 1---1 in 110 children were diagnosed with autism to Year 15 -- 1 in 36 children! Our family started this journey when Lucas was diagnosed and we hit the ground running ....Lucas' Steps has been a #1 fundraiser of the Golf Challenge four times (2013, 2015, 2020 & 2021) with 6 -- 2nd place finishes. I love watching the fundraising board to see who all is golfing across the golf challenges as well as seeing who is doing awesome at raising funds. I think it is a fun challenge to push other golfers to raise money as well.
This year we will be hosting our annual golf tournament as a one of our ways we raise money as well as selling raffles and flyers as a way to generate funds for our Golfing FORE Autism -- Lucas' Steps team.
We appreciate our 2024 sponsors and family/friends for their continued support of our belief in all the Els Center of Excellence is doing for families around the world.
GOLD Sponsors: First Bank Hampton, Jim and Diana Blood, Cade Pleggenkuhle Family, Corporate Farmer, Mary Sukup Foundation, Iowa Drainage, Atkinson-Sietsema Funeral Homes, Cardy Classic (Seth/Felicia Card), Central Park Dentistry, Clear Lake Boats, Dan & Jean Ann Dolan, Dean Snyder Construction, IMT Insurance, Larsen Plumbing and Heating, Latham Hi-Tech Seeds, Midwest Pipe, North Iowa Golf, River Valley Pipe.
Sponsors: Brock CTB, First Gabrielson, Hawkeye Auto Body, Block 10, Lakeside Environmental, Miller & Sons, Nieman Family Farms, Pritchard Chevrolet, Steve & Vicki Sukup, United Bank and Trust, Laddy's Bar & Grill--Chester Iowa, Greimann & Son, Stadheim Jewelers, Mark Steenhard, Louies' Meats, Renee Denny, Bruce Baxter-Old Dutch Chips, Smithfield Foods, Ridge Stone Golf Club, Willaby's Restaurant, KLMJ Radio.
You can donate to our team through this site or by mailing your check to Els for Autism and sending it to Tracy Shreckengost PO BOX 6, Sheffield, Iowa 50475
Thank you for standing alongside us in support of Els for Autism. Your generosity and compassion are making a significant impact on the lives of individuals affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
This fundraiser will benefit Els for Autism, a 501(c)(3) organization established in 2009 by Liezl Els, Ernie Els, and Marvin R. Shanken. The driving force behind Els for Autism is the Els family's personal connection through their son, Ben, who is affected by ASD which impacts 1 in 36 children in the United States.
Els for Autism is committed to providing innovative, evidence-based programs for families and individuals that reach across the lifespan. The organization serves families around the world, offering virtual services, and in-person programs and services at The Els Center of Excellence® campus in Jupiter, Florida.
Together, we can make a difference. Make a meaningful contribution today and be a part of the journey towards a brighter and more inclusive future.