With Hope offers Hope and Healing to a community of individuals who sometimes have nowhere to turn by...
- Empowering teens to make a difference in their lives and the lives of their Friends and Family through our School Presentations.
- Providing information and support to parents who have teens who are struggling with depression and anxiety through referrals for counseling and weekly support groups.
- Speaking to over 335,000 individuals over the past 20 years regarding suicide prevention and depression awareness.
- Providing weekly bereavement support to families who have lost a loved one to suicide.
With Hope Foundation annually provides our highly successful educational programs on Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention to over 10,000 students, parents, teachers, staff, and community members. Our programs are designed to educate, equip and empower individuals in recognizing the warning signs of suicide and to provide them with resources for critical lifesaving intervention. Additionally, we provide grief support through our Friends With Hope Suicide Bereavement Support Group. We provide individual counseling resources and referrals for individuals dealing with the traumatic loss of a loved one to suicide who are at an increased risk for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and suicide.