Prior to starting Whiskers 2 Toes LLC, I was a financial analyst supporting government contracts for over 14 years before choosing to leave the corporate world with a desire to spend my time in a more healing way back to my true love, animals. I am now a Certified Canine Massage Therapist, specializing in therapeutic massage and have the best career! The privilege to work with dogs of all ages and needs assisting them towards whole body wellness has been my heart dream for as long as I can remember. Massage can open many avenues to their wellness; transforming pain, increasing function, decreasing stress, and even aiding in their rescue process! I am comfortable working with all temperaments, ages, and physical concerns.

Please know I will always do my very best to deserve your confidence, trust, and friendship by adhering to a strict code of ethics. It is exciting for me to work with you and I will do everything possible to assist you in meeting your goals for a healthy, happy canine partner.