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Jerry Tavella

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $5,000


Help me support a great cause by making a small donation!

Ice hockey has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember, and at the end of this month I am looking forward to creating a new memory as I play in the LivFree 24 hour hockey game to raise money for a great cause.  I am lacing up my skates for the LivSports 24 Hour Adult Hockey Marathon, benefitting LivFree - a pediatric cancer foundation that provides Moments of Joy to kids and families to give them a break from struggle. Whether it is going to a game, a broadway show, a concert, or even just a night out - LivFree this there for the whole family. 

I will be participating in this feat of endurance to use my passion as a platform for good. A donation of any amount will help me reach my initial goal.



Top Donors

$5,275 Raised By 39 Donors

$500 in support of Lyle Domenitz
$500 in support of Martin Nachemson
$500 on behalf of Paul Melella Jr
$250 in honor of Charlie
$250 in support of Jerry Tavella
$250 in support of Steve Hanson
$150 in support of Hiram Arnaud
$100 in support of Adam Katzman
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Andrew Zimmerman
$100 in support of Barry Carron
$100 in support of Ben Nichols
$100 in support of Caley Sayre
$100 in support of craig katz
$100 in support of Daniel Paikin
$100 in support of David Orsolino
$100 from Anonymous
$100 in support of Gianni DiMeglio
$100 in support of Jeff Neeck
$100 in support of Jen Nori
$100 in support of Jenn O'Hara
$100 in support of Jerry Harnik
$100 in support of Jerry Tavella
$100 in support of Kate Richards
$100 in support of Keith Snyder
$100 in support of Mark Wilhelm
$100 in support of Mom Unknown
$100 in support of Paul Sposato
$100 in support of Robert Schlesinger
$100 in support of shelley eisenhandler
$100 in support of Spencer Friedman
$100 in support of Thomas Keyes
$100 in support of Timothy Meyer
$50 in support of Kevin Altieri
$50 in support of Me Unknown
$50 in support of nadene koliopoulos
$50 in support of Sal Cataldo
$50 in support of Tracy Scatterday
$25 in support of Jerry Tavella

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