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Triple Bypass

Evergreen, CO 80439 US
American Transplant Foundation

Goal: $5,000

The mission of the American Transplant Foundation is simple: To save lives by reducing the growing list of women, men, and children who are waiting for an organ transplant. ATF does this by maximizing living organ donation, which is the most effective way to fulfill its mission. ATF provides a three-tiered approach with educational, emotional, and financial support for living donors, transplant patients, and their families across the country, with a specific focus on Colorado.


Raised of $5,000


Top Donors

$942 Raised By 7 Donors

$300 on behalf of Jim Eastman
$200 on behalf of Matthew Keenan
$142 on behalf of Michael Ahlers
$100 on behalf of Kieth & Ruth Sherrick
$100 on behalf of Steve Crider
$75 on behalf of Stephanie Rosenbaum
$25 on behalf of Beverley and Jerry La Point

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