We seek to provide a network of support for patients and families affected by Sickle Cell Anemia; to raise awareness and educate the community; and to advocate for a cure.

Sickle Cell Partners of the Carolinas (SCPOC) is a non‐profit 501c (3) tax exempt organization that exists to "partner" with anyone working to make a difference in the lives of patients and families affected by Sickle Cell Disease. SCPOC was formed in January of 2009. At that time, patients, families and members of the medical community came together informally to meet and discuss ideas involving care and support in the Sickle Cell community. From there, Sickle Cell Partners of the Carolinas came into being and is an organization that consists of patients of all ages, parents, families, caregivers, healthcare workers, social workers and an at large community that cares deeply about those affected by Sickle Cell Disease.

We envision a world that will one day be free of Sickle Cell Anemia and other related inherited blood disorders. We envision an open, honest and continuing dialogue for a cure for those who are challenged with Sickle Cell Anemia. Sickle Cell Partners of the Carolinas is a non-profit 501c (3) tax exempt organization that exists to “partner” with any organization that is working to make a difference in the lives of patients and families affected by Sickle Cell Anemia.