Feb 14 - Round 2 Lottery Drawn
Surprise!!! As a special gift to everyone, to show how much we LOVE OUR SWIMMERS on Valentine's Day, we have bumped up our timeline on the Round 2 Lottery!!! Congratulations to the 200 Round 2 participants on being chosen!!!
Round 3 is currently scheduled for March 1st, 2023!
Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@bayswim.com and be sure to check out all of our emails under the 2023 EMAILS tab at www.BaySwim.com
Congratulations to:
Robert Ackerman
Gilles Alliaume
Michael Amberman
Heather Anderson
Jason Andrew
Carlos Angulo
Bruce Angus
Derek Argust
Charlotte Ashton
Colin Ault
Alexander Bailey
Charles Baisley
Stephanie Baker
Jill Barclay
Gregory Bellware
Edward Bispham
Dan Blitz
Virginia Bogdan
Matthew Bower
Tiffany Brennan
Elizabeth Buchanan
Stephen Burger
Alejandro Burgos
Bryn Burkholder
Melissa Burroughs
Eric Burtchell
Tom Butt
Andrew Campbell
Meaghan Carpenter
Macy Carpenter
Janet Carpenter
James Cathro
Michael Caywood
Curtis Caywood
Jim Cecil
Ann Christensen
Robert Christensen
Sherman Clark
April Collins
Craig Condon
Alex Condrell
Jennifer Connor
Jorge Cortina
Chris Cotterell
Brad Crosley
Todd Culp
Charles Cummings
Patrick Daniels
Matthew Davis
Brian Davis
Lynn Davis
Mary Davis
Selah Dean
Edward DeJesus
Sofia Del Palacio Ugarte
Jeanie Denison
Leo Dilling
Griffin Diven
Kelsey Diven
Christy Donley
Julie Dukes
Matt Durante
Chris Echezabal
Sarah Eikrem
Diana Elson
Eric Engstrom
Kara Erskine
William Fallon
Austin Folsom
Trevor Foulk
Ron Frank
Austin Frazer
Kyle Gallagher
Mike Ghawaly
Susan Golemboski
PJ Gorman
Aysegul Gozu
Sarah Graham
Alan Greenwood
Amanda Gretz
Ben Grillot
Terri Gumula
Gabriel Hackman
Dennis Hagan
Laura Hanby
Eric Hansen
Leo Havens
Richard Haymes
Jess Haynie
Chris Hepp
Katie Hershey
Mark Hjelle
Alan Hoberg
Steve Hocking
Lanie Holden
Maureen Holden
Olivia Hooff
David Hopkins
Doug Irminger
Lexie Jacobs
Natalie Janiszewski
Aleta Jewell
Jeff Jones
David Kaizer
Christine Kelly
Kyle Kerner
Patrick Kerner
James Kirkby
Sara Klemm
Karen Knee
Lynn Knothe
Brian Koehr
Colleen Koehr
Matt Kowalewski
Frank Krach
Mike LaFiandra
Lauren Leatherman
Anna Leonard
Mitchell Lewis
Eric Liff
Ana Little-Sana
Michael MacDonald
Tom Magalski
Christopher Marshall
Mark Martin
Daniel Martonik
Richard Marx
Andrea Mathias
Kathy Mayan
Becca McArthur
Katherine McComas
Robert McComas
Sue McNeil
Ingrid Mercer
Daniele Merlis
Ellis Merschoff
Elizabeth Mesora
Tim Methric
Ryan Mitcheltree
Colleen Monaghan
James Moore
Duilio Morichi
Matthew Murphy
Katrina Nakao
David Nelson
Harry Nelson
Daniel Nickerson
Hope Mao Oehler
Cayla Otto
John Pace
Richard Page
Katie Palavecino
Tom Parette
Chad Peddicord
CIndy Perosa
Gailynn Petry
William Pilcher
John Protzman
Katie Pumphrey
David Radcliffe
Megan Reiter
Annette Richter
Brooke Riester
Marc Robinson
Stephan Rodiger
Dave Ruf
Judy Rupp
Grant Russell
Kevin Sanchez
Jane Satter
Mimi Satter
Tom Scheer
Garin Schilling
John Smirnow
Phil Smith
Austin St John
James Sullivan
Jackie Sweetak
Jay Talbott
Rebecca Thompson
Melissa Timberlake
Stephen Tosini
Adrianne Towe
William Tyson
James Usher IV
Patrick Vilbrandt
Juri Von Bonsdorff
Catherine Wallace
Carina Watson
Laurie Wei
Emily Weigel
Jay Wilkes
Philip Windust
Rob Wolfgang
Justin Woods
Scott Woodworth
Rachel Wyman
Doug Yeager
Raza Zaidi
Andrei Zaitsev
Alfie Zarate
Jennifer Zhao