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Soles for the Harvest 5K and Fun Run/Walk

Sat November 12, 2022 Hamilton, NJ 08690 US

Soles for the Harvest 5K and Fun Run/Walk

Donation Goal: $20,000

Race proceeds this year will go towards alleviation of hunger in our area, benefiting church-supported feeding programs and food pantries OF OUR PARTICIPANTS' CHOICE across the Diocese of New Jersey. 100% of your generous donations will be directed to the beneficiary agencies they've chosen.  When you donate to a particular fundraiser, you donate to the charity they've selected.  If you choose the general "Donate Now" option, proceeds will be allocated by our Diocesan Jubilee Ministries office.

However you choose to donate, THANK YOU for supporting our Diocesan Jubilee Ministries sites and the agencies they represent, and for enabling them to expand their capacity to feed the hungry and help advocate for dismantling of the structures that perpetuate food insecurity in our society!

If you prefer to make your donation offline, please send your check, made payable to "Diocese of New Jersey", to 808 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08618.  Please be sure to include "Soles for the Harvest" and the fundraiser's name (if applicable) on the memo line of your check so we can be sure it is properly credited.

Thank you!


Raised of $20,000


Top Donors

$425 Raised By 7 Donors

$100 on behalf of Donna Freidel
$100 on behalf of Kathryn Shaw
$100 on behalf of Marie DeSheplo
$50 on behalf of Eric Cephas
$30 on behalf of Cathy Brackin
$25 on behalf of Catherine Hawn
$20 from Anonymous

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Donation Attribution

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