Clinical Massage and Bodywork Therapy For Stress, Tension, Pain and Recovery

Bodywork studio that focuses on posture, pain and performance.We use clinical  massage and bodywork therapy techniques to produce long lasting changes in the body. 

What is Bodywork?
"Bodywork is a form of clinical massage therapy that targets precise muscles and fascial patterns to eliminate chronic pain, stress, and joint stiffness in order to restore mobility, energize the body, and reintroduce positive movement patterns."
  - David Phillips

Body Heal Therapy is a clinical massage and bodywork therapy practice that helps people relieve soft tissue pain, improve postural alignment, and achieve performance goals. Our manual therapists use a variety of techniques such as myofascial release, neuromuscular therapy, stretching, cupping, instrument assisted soft tissue therapy and movement integration. Every session begins with an assessment to determine how to help you make the most progress.
In addition to clinical massage and bodywork therapy, we offer Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration (Rolfing).