s an evangelical Christian church we are called to be the family of God on the mission of God by the power of God. We believe strongly in demonstrating God’s love by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and by serving our Exton, Lionville, West Chester and Downingtown neighbors in the heart of Chester County, Pennsylvania and around the world through our many Christian ministry and missions initiatives.

Grace Covenant Church is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Churchdenomination (EPC).  The EPC’s motto is: In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity. “Truth In Love”.  For more information on the doctrinal beliefs of the EPC, check out The Essentials Of Our Faith. As a church family in the Reformed Protestant tradition we also subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
As a Protestant Christian church committed to being the family of God, there are many opportunities—on Sunday and throughout the week—for you to get to know other people who are committed to living their lives by the power of God and can help you get to know Jesus Christ and find answers to life’s questions!

If this is your first visit to Grace Covenant’s church website, feel free to click on every last page…if you like! Hopefully that will give you a taste of who we are – the family of God, on the mission of God, by the power of God serving our Exton, Lionville, West Chester and Downingtown neighbors in the heart of Chester County, Pennsylvania.

One excellent way to learn about a Christian church’s preaching ministry is to view a recent sermon on our YouTube Channel or listen to a recent sermon on SoundCloud.