What is "Community Acupuncture?"
Most US acupuncturists treat patients on tables in individual cubicles. This is not traditional in Asia, where acupuncture usually occurs in a group setting.
In our clinic we use recliners and tables grouped in a large, quiet soothing space. Treating patients in a community setting has many benefits: it’s easy for friends and family members to come in for treatment together; many patients find it comforting; and a collective energetic field becomes established which actually makes individual treatments more powerful.
In some styles of acupuncture, the needles are removed after only a few minutes or after a half hour at most. At HCA we prioritize rest and leave needles in for 45 minutes, or until patients feel “done;” this can take from fifteen minute up to the full forty five minutes!
You will hear soothing white noise in the community treatment room but if you prefer silence or other music, please feel free to bring earplugs, an ipod or phone and earbuds (please keep volume low), eye pillow or anything else that will add to your relaxation.