Gold Cross Ambulance was founded in 1968 with the vision of providing quality medical care and customer service to anyone regardless of race, creed, color, religion or the ability to pay.
Gold Cross Ambulance employs highly trained and certified paramedics, EMT’s and other medical professionals. With a fleet of specially equipped emergency vehicles and a state-of-the-art communications center, Gold Cross responds to calls in Salt Lake, St George, Uintah, Utah, Washington Iron, and Juab Counties.

Gold Cross Ambulance exceeds all established standards for emergency response protocols and is fully integrated with other local, county, state and national emergency response agencies to assure a seamless benefit to the community. The company is certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) and is the first ambulance provider in the state to achieve the national distinction. Gold Cross is the 112th  Center for Excellence with ACE Accreditation from  the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch IAED. The IAED certifies our dispatchers through their advanced EMD training. All employees are certified by the Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services (BEMS).