Raised of $2,500
Mission: The Spirit of Giving network creates alliances with nonprofit organizations by sharing resources and providing education to strengthen our communities.
These include:
Community Volunteer Training
Screening, and Placement
Annual Back to School Bash & Health Carnival
Annual Holiday Gift Drive
Community Spirit Race
Community Nonprofit Calendar
Monthly Member Meetings
Forum for Nonprofits Radio Program
Vision: To create more unified, vibrant communities.
The Spirit of Giving Network is a collaborative, nonprofit organization with a focus on children and families in South Palm Beach County. It is a forum where nonprofits and community supporters share information, resources and best practices. Currently, there are more than 60 nonprofit member organizations meeting on a monthly basis. The group’s objective is to streamline the delivery of services to the community by working collaboratively to solve issues and improve operations through internal and external partnerships. To achieve our objective these four Guiding Principles are used:
Purposeful Communication - Deliberately and intentionally creating opportunities to share information & resources.
Relevance - Meetings and group activities must be meaningful and beneficial to members.
Commitment - All members must commit to and fulfill their obligations to the Network in order for it to succeed.
Collaboration/Partnerships - Create formal partnership agreements with local agencies, community partners and individual supporters to maximize the distribution of resources across the community.