Real food. Real friends

These are our values, and we promise we will never compromise. When you visit Great Harvest Warrenton, you can always count on tasting real food and seeing real friends.

We opened our doors to Main Street, Warrenton, on April 16, 2010. That was a great day. A wonderful day. But it wasn’t the beginning for Great Harvest Warrenton. Our bakery really began three years earlier, when we — Pablo and Lynda — first started asking ourselves: “Should we do this? Should we open a bakery?”

If it’s not already obvious, we decided: “Yes. Absolutely. Yes.” And, we’re so glad we did.

Between 2007 and our 2010 opening-day, we kept ourselves busy with real, local food. Very, very busy. We started a small flock of free-ranging hens, and used their eggs in our home cooking. We raised and milked dairy goats. We expanded our vegetable garden and added more chickens to our flock. We helped launch and operate a community farmers’ market.


Real friends. Real food. Four simple words that describe our values perfectly.

But, because we can always think of more than four words, let us share more about our values. Think of these as promises, from us and to you:

Local Food
Orange County Coffee Roasters hand-roasts our delicious coffee. Milk, butter and creamer? The cows behind our dairy products live in southern Pennsylvania, where they eat grass and wander pastures. Our eggs come from local chickens. Most come from our own backyard. Honey, lavender and jam? Absolutely. All local. Always.

Want to learn more about our local ingredients? Stop on by and ask — we’d love to chat about our ingredients and suppliers.

Healthy Ingredients
We won’t ever serve you something we wouldn’t eat ourselves. Promise.

We make our bread from scratch using simple ingredients. In fact, we mill our own flour on-site. This means we can control every single thing that goes into our bread. Our wheat is 100% wheat -- no additives. And we start with the same basic ingredients in our whole grain breads: Freshly milled flour, water, honey, yeast and salt.

Along with dairy fresh milk for your coffee we also serve coconut milk, because it’s healthier than soy milk. And, have you tried honey in your coffee yet? It’s fantastic.

Have questions about our ingredients? Want us to stock something that’s not on our shelves yet? Please just stop by and let us know. We’d love to chat about it.

Genuine Smiles
If we seem happy to see you, that’s because we are.

We’re here every day because we want to be. We are thrilled to be baking bread, brewing coffee and serving sweets to everyone along Warrenton’s Main Street. There’s really nothing we enjoy more than sharing the smells, tastes and pleasures of our bakery with you. This isn’t work. This is who we are. And, we’re so glad to see you, every time you stop by to visit.


Warrenton isn’t just your home. It’s our home too. Our community. And, we take that very seriously. If there’s anything we can do to support the people and businesses of Warrenton, you can be sure we’re doing it.

Supporting local businesses
A family in Page County blends our small-batch barbeque sauce. Iron Bridge Wine Company serves our hamburger rolls. Our jams are cooked and canned by the Lehman family in Jetersville. Our bread is regularly featured on the menu at Black Bear Bistro. Our breads are served at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Club and Cobbler Mountain Cellars, as well as sold at the IGA in Marshall.

By working together, we strengthen our businesses and build a healthier, friendlier community. We might be able to save a few pennies by purchasing our honey from a national corporation, but we’d much rather buy pure local honey from Fern Hill Apiary in Marshall and Sally's Shenandoah Honey in Winchester. A stronger community and a better tasting product -- these are our rewards.

Commitment to charity
The final two words in our mission statement may be the most important, and our absolute favorite: “Give generously.” We believe this goes hand in hand with our place in Warrenton’s community, and we strive to always give generously of ourselves, our enthusiasm and (of course) our bread. 

We are especially pleased to be able to partner with the Fauquier Community Food Bank. We donated nearly 8,000 pounds of breads and sweets in 2011 alone!