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The mission of the Perryville Police Department Outreach Program is to provide an alternative solution to at risk youth through a combination of preventive programs, guidance, and encouragement. The program also motivates all youth to strive to develop and achieve their goals to become productive citizens.

The PPDOP focuses on two specific agendas. The first is to provide a safe and enriching, free after school program for children ages 8-18. We provide students with homework assistance, life skills classes, and community service opportunities. We also provide free dinner for our members, Monday through Friday, and take our active members on a variety of field trips to award them for their good behavior and commitment to the community.

The second agenda is to address first time juvenile offenders. Based on the severity of the crime, the youth and their parents get the opportunity to enroll in the PPD Outreach Program to complete weekly counseling/mentoring sessions and community service hours. Our goal has always been to assist local youth to build lasting positive relationships with the officers of the Perryville Police Department. Police officers have positive interaction with our members during group activates and field trips.

Top Donors

$20 Raised By 2 Donors

$10 from Anonymous
$10 from Anonymous

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